Patient Safety
We strive to make all patients comfortable and secure. To help us maintain a safe environment for all, we request your compliance with the following requests.
Leave your medication at home
All medications taken by patients must be prescribed by your doctor, dispensed by the hospital pharmacy and administered by a nurse. Please leave your medications at home
Do bring a complete list of current medications, including drug name, strength and how you take them each day (i.e., aspirin 325mg once daily). Be sure to list any herbal products, vitamins, and over-the-counter (non-prescription) medications or treatments you use.
Leave valuables and personal items at home
We suggest that you have someone take your personal belongings home after you are admitted. Arnot Health cannot assume responsibility for the safety and security of valuables, jewelry, credit cards or cash. Please do not bring electrical appliances, alcoholic beverages, prescription or other drugs, furniture or any flammable materials with you.
Tobacco products are not permitted
As a healthcare provider, Arnot Health is dedicated to providing the best conditions possible to enhance patients' well being and return them to maximum health. With this in mind, and knowing the lethal impact tobacco has on the human body, Arnot Health prohibits use of tobacco products within its buildings and on its property by patients and visitors at all times.
Contact Us
If you have questions or concerns regarding these policies, you may contact hospital security.