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O'Hare, Clare, MD
Clare O'Hare, MD is a Pediatric Cardiologist with the Cleveland Clinic who is seeing patients via telemedicine and in person at Arnot Health's Pediatric Cardiology Office in Elmira.
Elmira, NY
Ozuner, Gokhan, MD
Gokhan Ozuner, MD is a colon and rectal surgeon who did his fellowship with the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland, Ohio. His residency was with Staten Island University Hospital in Staten Island, NY. Dr. Ozuner is board certified in both general surgery and colon & rectal surgery. He joins the Southport general and bariatric surgery office providers.
Elmira, NY
Padro, Rosa, FNP
Rosa Padro is a Family Nurse Practitioner who is board certified by the AANP. She practices at Arnot''s Bath Family Medicine location.
Bath, NY
Palmer, Angela, NP
Angela Palmer is a nurse practitioner with the Arnot Health Heart & Vascular Institute and Pediatric Cardiology.
Elmira, NY
Elmira, NY
Patterson, Bridgette, PA
Bridgette Patterson, PA is a Physician Assistant with Arnot Health Urology in Elmira.
Elmira, NY
Pettibone, Rebecca, NP
Rebecca Pettibone, NP is a nurse practitioner with Arnot Health's Gastroenterology group.
Elmira, NY